The American Psychiatric Association is disguising radiation-attacks as mental illness
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been sabotaged
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been sabotaged:
Terrorists have infiltrated the American Psychiatric Association DSM steering committee; and
said terrorists have inserted material in the DSM to provide a “mental disorder” cover for physical attacks.
The year 2000 saw the publication of DSM-IV-TR, including “Shared Psychotic Disorder”, p. 333:
... The content of the shared delusional beliefs... can include relatively bizarre delusions (e.g., that radiation is being transmitted into an apartment from a hostile... foreign power...).
The foregoing text was inserted into the DSM per vote of an American Psychiatric Association (APA) committee. The APA could have voted to cite any belief for its example there. Of all possible beliefs, the APA chose the belief:
radiation is being transmitted into an apartment from a hostile... foreign power....
The APA’s choice there is bad, as shown by a comparison between its benefit and its cost:
None: A National Library of Medicine search (“radiation mental”) yields no pertinent result.
In cases where the belief
radiation is being transmitted into an apartment from a hostile... foreign power
is in fact true, a false diagnosis of delusional would harm not only the “patient” but national security itself.
In 2014, the National Security Agency (NSA) released intelligence regarding a weapons-system like that described in the DSM:
How did a real radiation-weapons-system wind up described as a delusion in the DSM?
I show more DSM-sabotage in Google Docs. Preview:
Blackwater Founder Says Havana Syndrome is Real, and CIA is Covering it up!
It's long past time that the immediate families of targeted individuals shake themselves out of their ignorant stupor and support their targeted family members to the best of their ability. God will not hold you blameless. Proverbs 24:12
Excerpt from the December 9, 2014 presentation that medical doctor Dr Daniel Lebowitz submitted to the Senate Hearing on "The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States" --
What is the Targeted Individual program that these people are complaining of? It is many things all at once. It is a discrediting and disruption campaign, similar to COINTELPRO. In some cases (not all) it is a torture/trauma-based brainwashing and mind-control program like MK-Ultra. It is a secret form of repression, persecution and psychological warfare, carried out in the community largely by regular people, along the lines of Stasi or Zersetzen torture. It is a political abuse of psychiatry, as has been carried out in many countries as a way to torture and discredit dissidents. Finally, it is unethical non-consensual human experimentation on unwitting subjects with advanced directed energy and psychotronic weapons systems.
Overall, it represents a coming together of the most vicious and effective tools and weapons for covert harassment and political control of dissidents, activists, whistleblowers, agitators, and other so-called “undesirables” that the world has ever seen.
What are the goals and purposes of the program? Again, they are many. But, in a word, the neutralization of the target. Let’s start with understanding the mindset of the state. President Obama’s information czar, former Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein, co-authored a paper in 2008 which advocated that the government should “cognitively infiltrate” and “disable” those who have ideas the government finds threatening, for example, 9/11 truth activists. Now, at a minimum, this suggests running illegal COINTELPRO-type disruption campaigns against people. But, more interestingly, let’s parse the words carefully: “cognitively infiltrate” and “disable”. Cognition refers to the mind, or to thought. Infiltrate means to penetrate with hostile intent. So, literally, this means to penetrate the minds or thought processes of so-called “troublesome” individuals, with the intent to disable them. Fascinating, in light of what targeted individuals say that they experience.
So, more specifically, what are the goals of the program?
1. Force the target to stop “unacceptable” activity (whistleblowing, activism, exposing corruption, etc.). Silence the target both about their original activism and about their targeting.
2. Subject target to noise campaigns, swarming, colors, or repetitive behaviors as a form of harassment.
3. Attack any psychological weaknesses. Cause target to blame themselves for their targeting and as such destroy the will to fight back.
4. Create a track record of so-called “mental illness”, useful for both discrediting and plausible deniability.
5. Discredit the target.
6. Isolate the target from all forms of support using secret notifications, slander, and covert harassment carried out largely by regular people.
7. Encourage the target to lose hope and lash out in suicidal or homicidal rage secondary to covert harassment, and destruction of the target’s life.
8. Set target up for possible institutionalization or arrest.
9. Damage or ruin the career and/or finances. In some cases, break up the family. In some cases, cause the target to lose their home.
10. After breaking the target’s will to fight, in some cases, attempt to change the mindset, politics, ethics of the target. Create a mindset more useful to the state. Evaluate the potential for corruption or even recruitment."